Monday, November 30, 2009

Milo's 2 Month Checkup

I was so excited to "try out" Milo and Zoe's new pediatrician today! She definately did not dissapoint. She was thorough without being wordy or paranoid and she was willing to listen to my battery of questions without rolling her eyes. Here she is with our big guy:

Milo is growing beautifully (that sounds like Im talking about a tomato plant or something). He is 13lbs 8oz and 24 inches long.

He has gone from 50th %ile in everything to 90th!! Such a chunky monkey! Milo got 2 shots and an oral vaccine and was such a trooper, hardly any tears!

Zoe was a good big sister and got a sticker from the nurse for good behavior. We finished out the day with a typical Del Rosario marathon trip to the mall (seriously, we were there for 4.5 hours). Fun times for all!

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