Tuesday, November 24, 2009

29 Months & 2 Months

My babies are getting so big!! This month, Ms. Zoe turned 29mos and Mr. Milo turned 2mos! They are getting along a little better each day and our little family is happier than ever. Ms. Zoe is super chatty these days, she is able to identify most letters of the alphabet, count to 13 (or 14 depending on the day) in english and to 5 in spanish (thanks to Dora). She loves to watch "Sid the Science Kid" and "Super Why" on PBS and is a great big sister to Mr. Milo, helping with diaper changes and calming him when he cries. She likes to draw and loves to draw something and have you guess what it is. Mr. Milo is smiling up a storm (have yet to capture a good one on film), eating every 2-3 hrs. with a 5 or 6 hour stretch at night and observing EVERYTHING. He is very intense and likes to be entertained. Still a little fussy in the evening, but its getting better each day. I cant wait to see what next month holds for my little ones!

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